29 gallon... how many cories?

I have a 29 gallon with a single convict right now. I want to add cories. How many are reccommended?

Also, I like black skirt tetras, but im thinking with the convict that wont work out. what do you think? Is there any kind of schooling fish that would work out, or is it best to just stick to the convict?


Favorite Answer

none really, convicts are nasty, mean fish, and their "lair" is on the bottom where the cories would be. in a 29 you should just add another convict and let 'em breed, convicts should only be with other, bigger agressive fish that can fight back, most are going to be too big for a 29, you could try a firemouth though, that should work. If you do add something else, since the convict is already in there and probably has its territory established, remove him/her, rearrange the tank and reintroduce the new fish and the convict at the same time, this can help reduce the agresivness but like I said, convicts are killers

Kishore k2008-11-16T20:44:11Z

3-4 will be fine.... and hiding places please.....

add some chichilids... they are good with it....