Can Wikipedia be used as a verb?

As in, "I didn't know much about sushi, so I took a few minutes to Wikipedia it and learn some more."
And would I need to continually capitalize it when it's a verb, rather than a proper noun?


aab- Is it appropriate to use wiki-ed since Wikipedia isn't the only one? Or is it more of a generalized term?


Favorite Answer

The trend today is to verbalize any word at any time at the drop or split of an infinitive. But to do so invites the wrath of lexicographers everywhere.
Pseudo-words like 'texting' and 'networking' are giving true wordsmiths apoplexy at this moment...somewhere.


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Can Wikipedia be used as a verb?
As in, "I didn't know much about sushi, so I took a few minutes to Wikipedia it and learn some more."
And would I need to continually capitalize it when it's a verb, rather than a proper noun?


Verb Wiki


I prefer to remember a verb as a doing word (something that is done) eg: He was falling into a dark chasm. Falling is the verb, cos that's what he's doing. I can't imagine ever having to use the word approbation in a sentence and i think you mean noun not known. A noun is an object, using my example the noun is the man and the chasm, both things that exist. An adverb is a word that describes a verb and usually ends in ly. (adverb is like adjective, except adverb describes the verb and adjective describs the noun.) eg: He was falling blindly into the chasm. Blindly is the adverb because it describes how he is falling, another good adverb would be quickly. Don't worry, it wasn't easy for me, when i was in my sixth year, so i made myself learn.

Ari Potta2008-11-17T07:42:36Z

well, i think you can use it as a verb. but, instead of saying "Wikipedia it," you can say "look it up" or "research it"

and yes, you need to capitalize it. Wikipedia is a name, even when it's a verb...

hope this help :)

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