Do I get an extra guitar for Rock Band 2 if 4 people want to play? A regular one or bass?

My boyfriend wants RB2 for Christmas but I need to know what stuff I need to get so all four of us can play. I'm not very game literate so any help would be appreciated. Thank you


Favorite Answer

When you buy the rock band bundle pack(which is the best deal) it comes with a drum set,a mike, and a guitar with the game included. There is no regular or bass guitar but instead you buy another guitar and it can be either a guitar or bass. You choose when your playing the game. If you want another guitar its another $70.00.
So for about $400+.00 you get:
1 drum set
1 mike
2 guitar/bass
The regular bundle is about $330.00 and you get all of the above except one guitar/bass.