Why is Yahoo Answers keep on deleting my answers?

Question: If you drink cows milk will you also drink the puss
My answer: No.
How come Yahoo sent me notice of deletion? Here is the complete guidelines and I can not see what I had violated. This is the 99th times Yahoo violated me.

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Favorite Answer

all it takes to get an answer deleted is for two or more members to report it. your answer did not deserve to be deleted, because you did not break any guidelines. my guess is that at least two members want to see your answers deleted. maybe they are against political or religious views,you have, i don't know. it is clearly not because of the answer. lots of answers are yes or no answers. if only one reports, no deletion. it must be two. i feel bad that anyone would do this on here. but, apparently it gets done. seems if someone does not like your views, they would block you, and not bother deleting your answers. God bless you. r ps i looked back over some other questions of yours about the cow question and saw the reason they gave was that it was not a question or answer. so, the question probably got reported also. yahoo does not delete on their own usually. it is the members reporting.


The questions regarding the character of Republicans are sweeping generalisations and could be perceived as insulting but the question regarding Bush as a possible contender for the Anti-Christ seems to me to be a perfectly honest and intelligent question, especially in the context of the strange political/religious messages, regarding the role of the USA in the fulfillment of the Book of Revelations, which were started under the Reagan administration and have continued with the 'end timers' who are currently highly influencial in the Bush administration. I believe the last Pope also asked this question.

☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼2008-11-20T06:06:47Z

They are in the process of improving Yahoo. They were shut down for
about five hours, for improvements and they are not done yet.
Many people here have experienced many deletions and bizarre violations. So you are not alone, my friend.
I feel we should ride it out and see the improvements here.
I know, for a great many of us, Yahoo has become a lifeline! We have become very dependent on our communication with others here.
(Maybe I should be speaking in the first person here, lol!)


Nobody here can answer you. Probably somebody reported the question or tried to and clicked your answer instead. Anyway, you will probably get reported for copy/pasting the entire YA guidelines.. That wasn't a good move.


That question itself is pointless and would be subject to deletion. The best advice I or anyone can give you is not to post in questions like that. One worded answers like "yes" or "no" are too simple and fall into the spam category as you aren't contributing to the question at hand. In this case, the question you posted in was also spam.

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