How much is gas where you live?

and if it goes any lower does that mean that they'll lower the price on That Sweet 46" Sony TV that I want? Things are really kinda screwed up right now. I don't get it...gas went down, but the prices of other things are creeping up more. So frustrating...Times are so hard right now for so many people and it's just so upsetting thinking about it with the holidays around the corner...How do you tell the little ones that Christmas isn't what it once was without ruining everything? Ya know what I mean? I try to raise mine to understand that the material things aren't what's most important in life and that having a close knit family that enjoys being together is what's most important. Having food on the table, a roof over their head, clothes on their back and being able to go to school to get an education is what's important. But then you have all their little friends running around with their Ipods, cell phones and top of the line clothes bragging about having the best of the best and shoving their Wii and other nonsense things in their faces. It's so hard to do the right thing and to keep a positive attitude when their is so much negativity. On that note...

Anyone have a Valium? Sorry for the rant...I really just wanted to know how much gas is where you live and kinda got off on a tangent.

Good day to you fine people.


You're prolly right about that Susan.

Topless Xanax party with Nat and Munk! Woohoo. That'll lift your spirits, and a few other things too.

sweet oly2008-11-20T08:31:51Z

Favorite Answer

you are the lawrence welk of story tellers. 78 cents a litre. oly out.


It's $1.61 in my town. Yay! I'm getting gas today. The surrounding cities are all so much more too, it's nice that it's getting lower. Especially because the dang car I drive takes plus so I have to pay more anyway. It's not much but it's the principle of the thing.

Gas used to cost me $70 dollars every week a few months ago. Now it costs about $30 a week. It's so nice.


1.94 a gallon...southern Georgia
on another note...give your kids all you mother was poor and we didn't get all the most expensive gifts..but as I got older I came to appreciate the things I did have and took much better care of all my things. My boyfriends kids are spoiled rotten (by him) they have all the game consoles and still want more...his daughter said she wanted an xbox 360 and it was ONLY 300 dollars.....I could have just smacked her..I thought to myself you ungrateful little.........


Jesus I am going to delete my last question now. I think gas is around 2 bucks a gallon I don't pay that much attention. (hangs head in shame)


Lilbit you know I hate reading. Gas is about $1.80 here. I have a xanax, but you have to take off your top and come get it

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