I've been researching this breed because I am very interested in buying one. I've found a few breeders who breed beautiful Champion dogs (not champion lines) and their dogs seemed very nice. I've met their dogs at different dog shows and know that one of their breeding requirements is temperament.
But, when I mention it to some people who show dogs and work with dogs, I get the same answer: The dogs are dog aggressive and don't like people. Are they just seeing badly bred or untrained Bouviers? All my research says they are supposed to be friendly, but not overtly outgoing. Or do people just not know what to expect and when it's not a slobber all over your face lab, they misunderstand? Any other breed information is welcomed. Thank you.
Rotten Rotts2008-11-20T18:49:25Z
Favorite Answer
They are not naturally aggressive <no dog is> but they need to be well socialized and trained at a early age. Most of the ones I know have been a little hyper around strangers, however as I always say the dog is a reflection of the owner.
I have heard that Bouviers are not super outgoing (like goldens are) but that is not necessarily a bad thing. A well socialized, well bred Bouvier is very unlikely to be dog aggressive or not like people. They are herding dogs, and most of the herding group tend to be strong willed and a little bossy. That comes with the territory. They absolutely need obedience training, but so do most breeds.
The Bouvier Club has a very good info page on owning their breed. They are not the dog for everyone, but in my somewhat limited experience, they are great dogs. http://www.bouvier.org/
Can I just say kudos to you for researching this stuff? You sound like you have a very good head on your shoulders. Personally I think its training/badly bred like you said. Everybody loves Goldens and are the first ones to rag on Pit Bulls, until I tell them that I nearly got mulled by a golden (luckily he was muzzled), and some of the sweetest dogs I have met have been Pits. Its horrible to say but people discriminate against a lot of breeds for the wrong reasons. They should discriminate against the owners who let thier dogs get away with it. I have to say I have not come across many Bouviers, but I am still a firm believer that any dog can be a horrible dog if they have horrible owners. Sorry I guess I got a little off the topic, but if you decide to go with a Bouvier. Go with a reputable breeder. Meet the dogs, and ask lots of questions about training them, socializing them etc. Then when you get your puppy, take her/him to puppy socialization, obedience classes, and just understand that it may be difficult, but as long as you are willing to put in the work, and potentially even go to obedience classes more than once (which I had to do with both my dachshund and golden), you will make an excellent owner and potentially change their minds on how they view Bouviers. Add: I remember meeting acouple of Bouviers, however I don't remember anything specific which just means they were horribly mean and were easy to work with ya know? Sorry I can't be of more help.
I have been able to groom and show quit a few Bouviers (des Flanders) and not one was aggressive. They are a strong herding dog and do need good obedience training. The ones I have known are affectionate to their owners, but not a "needy" type of affection. They are content with praise and petting but don't NEED to be, excuse the expression -up your butt like some other breeds. They can be protective of their homes and their people. Friendly yes, but not the slap happy type friendly dog that will go with anyone. As an example I met a lovely champion stud dog at a show. I talked to his owner, got to pet him and talk to him for a few minutes-he was fine, friendly, mannerly. About an hour later the owner asked me to take him into the ring because she has another dog in at the same time. He was comfortable with me and we won the class. They do need professional grooming every 6 weeks and need at least weekly grooming to keep coat from matting. If they are untrained they can be head strong and hard to handle.
Bouviers are love sponges. They really think that they are lap dogs. Like any dog that is not well socialize dog aggression and guarding can become an issue. Look what they were originally bred for. Ta da.
This is more of a training issue than anything else. Never met an impatient Bouvier yet.