What are some of the best historical, cultural, and natural sights in Kyushu?

Yeah, it's a broad question, but I just want some ideas. I think I'm going to be going there, so I might as well see what I can see. It doesn't matter what prefecture, so anything you can add is good.

In my very limited research, I have found these (listed by prefecture):
Saga Prefecture: Karatsu Castle, Yutoku Inari Shrine

Fukuoka Prefecture: Dazaifu Shrine, Kushida Shrine, Hakozaki Shrine

Oita Prefecture: Jigoku meguri

Nagasaki: Martyrdom of 26 Saints Museum, Peace Park/Atomic Bomb Museum, Kofukuji, Suwa Shrine, Dejima, Mount Inasa

Miyazaki: Takachiho

Kagoshima: Saint Xavier Monument

Kumamoto: Kumamoto Castle, Aso Shrine

Do you know of any interesting historical, cultural, and/or natural places that you feel are truly worth visiting in Kyushu?


Favorite Answer

The following are my personal opinion that have somewhat bias.

Fukuoka prefecture:
Probably people will recommend Dazaifu. However, if you had visited Kyoto already it may be not impressive. Yanagawa is a castle town that has canal. And the house and garden called Ohana is famous.

Saga prefecture and Nagasaki prefecture:
Karatsu is my favorite town with beautiful sight. Squid and other fishes are delicious. Karatsu castle is a rebuilding one, but it is tiny and lovely.
The near town Hirado is beautiful too, but public transportation to there is somewhat poor. The town is medieval port town that had been trading with Portugal and Netherlands. Those areas are Hidden Christian area. The coastal sceneries of these areas are most beautiful in Japan, I believe.
Ngasaki is a beautiful town. Sofukuji is rather more famous, I suppose. Soufukuji has two buildings which are designated as national treasures. (I apologize to you. My first comment about Kofukuji was incorrect)
I don’t know about Yutoku-inari shrine.

Kumamoto prefecture and Oita prefecture:
Kumamoto castle is great. To visit Aso is very good idea. Mt. Aso is an active volcano, spectacle. It is recommendable traveling from Kumamoto to Oita through Aso.

Kagoshima city has an active volcano Sakurajima and beautiful bay. But I don’t know Saint Xavier Monument.


If you like hot spring, Onsen(hot spring) is really famous and good in Kyushu. The most famous hot spring place is Beppu in Oita.(same place as Jigoku) But there are lots of hot springs in Kyusyu so it's easy to find.
Also you can enjoy food in Kyusyu.(If you like Japanese food.) Fukuoka is very famous about Rah-men noodles, Motsu Nabe(Cow's inside soup)and Mizutaki(chicken soup).
In Kumamoto, you can try horse sashimi.It's very rare food.
Enjoy your trip!