Is there an online manuscript of the phone calls made between Russell Brand/ Jonathon Ross and Andrew Sachs?

I would like to use them for a piece of research but can only find short clips of the radio show but I would like a full text if there is one.


Favorite Answer

Some of the newspapers made transcripts of the show but I don't think they would be the best source to use because they edited a lot of what they said to make it seem worse (typically!)

Here is a sight with an archive of all the full radio shows, just with the music cut out. I think your best option to get a completely unbiased transcript would be to write it out your self.

Here is the link:

The show in question was the 18th of October.

Or this link has quotes from the show itself, including the messages. They have been shorten and taken out of context a bit, but seeing as it is from the BBC news site, they are not trying to put such a scandalous spin on it as the newspapers did. So here you go: -

Hope that helps!




i think of all and sundry ought to easily back off, ok it werent the main suitable circulate yet human beings have finished worse it jus seems as though all and sundry is calling for a reason to hate him and it jus does not look honest. For starters the girl belongs to a stripper team pronounced as the SatanicSluts - infrequently sounds like the main inocent of girls and has admitted to slumbering with him so all he truly did exchange into tell the certainty...perhaps in a somewhat immature way however. i come across him rele humorous and he sounds like a rele candy n beautiful bloke n yeah he's somewhat accessible n it may in basic terms be that i'm from essex yet when I found out at artwork n we listened 2 the poddy no longer one million individual concept it exchange into undesirable in any respect. properly besides i jus needed 2 say to depart off n cs of this a guy has been quite a lot compelled 2 give up his interest that 4 ne1 hu listened 2 the tutor exchange into quite glaring he truly enjoyed doing as a lot using fact the listeners enjoyed listening and now using fact of a lot of human beings in basic terms leaping on the band wagon he has had to depart Neway, jus needed 2 say that i help him one hundred% n think of he sounds like a large guy n all of us make errors n perhaps we ought to constantly be blaming every1 who pronounced as in n the "Satanic ****" n none of this could have happend if sachs were on the telephone like he exchange into meant to be. i ask your self what all of us's reaction could have been if russell or jonathon had desperate to easily no longer happen for a scheduled interview, i'm confident it could have been blamed heavily on them no longer the interviews who have been rightly upset. I dont care what the bandwagon says i like him plenty and cant wait till ponderland on thurs xxx