what do you guys think about the guy that killed himself on webcam?

I think all death is horrible and suicide is a terrible thing that someone would feel that badly to do it. BUT saying that the people watching should have know is a bit wrong. I have become so immune to the drama on some web sites I don't know if even I would know it it was true or just more drama...and they say he had done this before. So terrible but I don't think the internet or the site or the people should be blamed. They need to look into his life nad learn to help people.

What do you guys think?


doesnt say where his parents were but he killed himself in his parents room....


Favorite Answer

I think his family will be looking for a big payday after the lawsuit....He was stupid and killed himself but of course,it will be everybodys fault but his.......Where were his parents when this happened?

Jenny K2008-11-22T07:19:30Z

Well at least it's good to know survival of the fittest is in check right? The stupid guys die and only the the guys with common sense live.


omg i just saw that today! its kind of sad how your only 19 and you killed yourself, left alone with noone knowing. man i sound emo.

C'est moi!2008-11-22T07:20:26Z

I think it is a one-time performance.


I love Wampus... You're so right Wampus.