The free kick, what are the rules about it? ?

Ok I just got back from the bathroom in time to watch the end of the "free" kick that the cardinals took against the Giants. Can someone please explain to me what happened and what the rule is on free kicks? Thank you very much.


Favorite Answer

its a kick you can kick after a fair catch is made. Its like a field goal and its equivalent to 3 points


There is what you call a free kick after a team scores a safety on the other team. The free kick is from the 20 yard line by the team that had the safety scored on it. Its a free kick cause you can tee it up or punt the ball. Hopes this answers your question

a safety has not been scored so I dont know where they would have had a free kick


Whats a free kick? I'm not watching the game?

What happened?

Lady of Liberty2008-11-23T22:58:30Z

o.k. i think what happened is the other team screwed up if that didnt happen the other team wouldnt have had the ball to get a is just a saying free wasnt a gift


i have no idea. never heard of it ever. i can't wait for someone to answer this.