Does anyone else hope they don't start the evil Kathy storyline on AMC again?

I really thought it was creepy when they had Kathy acting like a bad seed and trying to undermine Krystal. I hope they don't start that storyline up again.


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Kathy is so cute and sweet and I hope too that they dropped the bad seed storyline. But it's understandable that after all she's been through she'd want her Dad all to herself. I love the Tad and Kathy scenes. You can feel the love.


I agree, that kid is to cute to be so mean. she is a good little actress dont get me wrong, but I just didnt buy into that story. I know the kid has been through a lot but trying to kill Krystal or hurt her, didn't make sense to me. I could see her glueing herself to daddy Tad and not ever wanting him to leave her sight but not at the expense of her new mommy Krystal!


I hear ya, there is no way that little girl who is the daughter of Saint Dixie and goofy Tad is evil like that, I think they got the wrong kid...maybe she really is Annie's and Emma is Kate like they first thought! That would be a good twist!


I hope they don't start that up again either. They'll probably have Kathy all grown up by next year and be the teenager from hell!