How do I tell a prospective employer about an allergy?
I have a deadly peanut allergy. I recently had a full-blown reaction because someone near me was eating peanut butter. I'm currently looking for a new job. Does anyone have any experince telling employers that they need to be in an allergen-free environment? Should I mention it in the interview?
Jo March2008-11-24T11:47:29Z
Favorite Answer
Thats a tough don't want the place to not hire you even though they shouldn't do that because its just like having a disability. Some job applications have a place you can write in if you need any special accomodations, perhaps you could write in there that you need a peanut free enviornment due to a fatal allergy
I have never experience this but I have a nephew who has a peanut allergy. I believe you should tell your employer of this situation. If he cares he will help insure the safety of all his employees. Good luck telling him and finding a new job but just remember you will have to tell that employer as well.