a way to judge your server/waitress and calculate tips?
Ive always had a hard time deciding how much to tip someone in a specific situation. I usually will leave 15-20%... But sometimes i feel like leaving 16%.. Ive always liked to imagine a world where when they forgot to bring my side of toast that i asked for, they lose 35 cents on the tip. Or when they tell a bad joke, thats 75 cents? Take forever to pick up the check? Thats a dollar!
Id like to see it on a website or an application of sorts.. Possibly a survey that hits different points like: professionalism, responsiveness, speed, appearance, accuracy, personality, etc... The app user could fill in the multiple choice questions as they are answered through the meal. The programmer could even have a spot for comments... At the end of the meal the user could enter the total of the bill and then depending on how you rated each segment the app could calculate the tip for you. Then have the capability of sending the results to the corporate headquarters or to the manager of the restaurant..
Has anyone seen anything along those lines? If not, convince someone that you know (that has computer skills) to do it.. There is a lot of money in Apps especially with the iphone becoming so popular...
Favorite Answer
Seems like a lot of trouble to go through for a few dollars. It doesn't seem like a very lucrative idea. If someone can't guesstimate a tip based on their own preferences, I doubt they'd be able to effectively use such an application, either.
Seriously, have you ever served tables? Or worked in a restaurant doing anything?
If not, you just don't understand. It's a pain in the butt serving tables... and yeah "it's their job," but it's a hard one. And on top of that... servers only make about half of minimum wage not including the tips. And if they report all their tips & it's "too much" according to management, some gets taken away. So they don't make much money to start with.
I used to serve tables and did my best, and really tried to be a good server, but it's hard. I made some mistakes, and some people didn't leave any tip, even if I was an awesome server.
Give them at least 25% regardless, UNLESS they were a complete jerk... I'm sure you can spare a couple extra dollars.
You are too judging! Those servers work hard for their money! Yes, you have to consider professionalism, responsiveness, speed, appearance, accuracy, personality, etc... but you can't just take money out of the tip because they told a bad joke! They are trying to be the nicest possible to make their money. If you didn't know, they bring home what you tip them. They make $3 an hour so they aren't getting paychecks. Think about it before you get cheap. Everyone needs to make money somehow. Most of them are doing it to pay for schooling. I would never tip less than 15 percent...even if the service sucks. 20 percent is normal.
i try to tip at least 20% they only make a few dollars and hour tips are there life that's how they pay bills take care of there kids that's there living so tipping such little amounts as $1 or 10% shouldn't be an option unless you totally had bad service and were treated really rudely remember your food being bad bathrooms needing to be cleaned or it taking to long to get your food isn't your waiter or waitresses fault its the kitchen and managers fault don't punish the people who aren't responsible and as far as the web site seems to involved it would be hard to get people to use it we are all about less time more options but also the easier the better
It is 100% obvious you have never worked in the service industry. Some people deserve a crappy tip though... but in other situations, you always have to think about what they're getting paid per hour, which is most likely $2.13. That means, if they tell a cheesy joke, it's not worth knocking off $.