Do you watch the TV series Heroes?

What is it that intrigues you about this show? I find it exciting every week and find my self wishing I didn't see that "to be continued.." at the end!


LOL...Irksome and just don't take anything seriously, do you! guys...I tell always know how to make me laugh!


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i feel exactly the same way! i believe its because EVERY episode ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger, each episode both answers questions, and leaves us with more questions. there's so much packed into this show that you can't just summarize it to people who haven't seen it. It's just like, well you gotta watch it! It's so complex and brilliant and I loved in the first season how it all tied into the idea of destiny and a meaning beyond us. Whether we have a deeper meaning in our existence or not, I think the idea that we might is such a beautiful thought. It's kept me hooked for over two years and I was impressed with tonight's episode as well. I wish every episode could be hours upon hours long so I can have the story and every outcome right in front of me. Another thing I was interested by is which path the writers would choose with the whole "Where did my powers come from?" thing. Mohinder as the narrator has talked about natural selection and evolution, leading us to think everything is just a coincidence. However, with everyone's powers and storylines connecting in such a perfect way, it gives us the thoughts about destiny and meaning. Then in this season when Nathan was "visited" by the angel Linderman, it gave us the impression that this was the work of God. Then Nathan was crushed to find out he was synthetic, and although it is amazing what mankind has been able to accomplish, people sometimes need to hear that there is something bigger and better than us. I think mankind does not give itself enough credit for its potential, as we have done SO much for this world. I'm getting off topic now so I'll return to heroes. It's a brilliant show with a great cast and great ideas. Can't wait till next week!


I used to, but then everyone got a super power and it was just too much!!!

I really liked it at first too, but then it became like a soap opera for super heros!!!


I love it tonight's episode was awesome Hiro is the best


I was excited at first ... when I thought it was all about sandwiches.

.... yes ... I'm very greedy.