Why did the government use my tax money to bail out Citibank?
They had no mercy on me when I was sick and couldn't pay them. They are snakes and deserve to go under.
Yes, I realize that they are a huge multi-national corp. So, only the large deserve to helped? What about the small honest businessman. Will he get help? No.. I'm not saying we should bailout everyone. I am saying what about being big makes them deserving. Maybe when some of the nasty big guys fail as they should, it will make room for the goodhearted little guy to expand.
Favorite Answer
The globalist take over of America is almost complete.
It amazes me how many people haven't noticed that Obama isn't in office yet. It's Bush who's still running things, and the Reagan Republican economic policy has always been to divert money out of the pockets of working people and into the pockets of the rich. Trickle down economics has always been about giving all the money to the millionaires on the assumption that out of the goodness of their hearts they will then share it with everyone else, this is just more of the same. The Socialism everyone seems to be talking is Bush's nationalization of first the economy, Socialist in the purest sense, and now his attempt to do the same with the auto industry. Why they blame Bush's socialist policies on Obama is beyond me.
Well they feel that banks making bad decisions deserve reward, while you struggle to pay your bills. Joe Biden said "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people." "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26771716/ Very socialistic statement if you ask me! Don't expect things like this to not continue! Sorry!