How much is gas where you live?

Tell what region or state you live in and how much your gas is!
I live in the south east and it is $1.63


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Gas prices have dropped pretty low..
In Arizona (where i live), it is $2.46

it's waay better than it used to be..which was like $4.24 at one point..

all i can say is that my mom is happier..


The average price is $1.63 in lower Michigan,


Seriously thats pretty nice we have at like $3 the last time I checked (probably been weeks tho...) Floridaaaa

*=Luxurious Serenity=*2008-11-28T05:47:24Z

The cheapest price I've seen was $1.33 in St.Louis, Missouri.


No. Cal....Well I've SEEN with my own eyes....1.93 I think. But in the Bay Area, 1.75 in Vallejo California.

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