please help my wilting plant!?

We have a good sized houseplant, I don't know what kind it is, but, it is basically a plant with big green leaves (no flowers). Anyway, it has been wilting for about a month now, we tried to water it more (it had done that in the past where then it would spring right back after it was watered well), we tried to get a bigger planter for it, and nothing has helped. It just looks so sad and pathetic. Any suggestions?? We got it from my mother in law's funeral and it would be very sad for it to die!
Thanks in advance!


Favorite Answer

You need to water it more often. It also might not be in the right location for it to thrive. Go to your local plant store and ask them for suggestions.


Don't water it too much, as that could cause root rot, which will kill the plant. Also, don't give it too much light, as it will photosynthesize and transpire more water than it can take up.

Have you been adding fertilizer to the water or soil? If so, maybe you should try giving it a lower concentration, as too much dissolved nutrients can burn the plant.

It could also be a vascular disease, in which case there may not be much hope. Try getting in touch with a nearby university, and talk around to people to find an extensions person for agriculture.


My experience is that if the plant is wilting more often even though you are watering it. It is probably in desperate need of a transplant, to a larger pot, its likely root bound.


Water it once a week , put it near a window where it can get some light. Find out what type of plant it is and look online on how to take care of it.

josh p2008-12-01T13:00:45Z

i put a little bit of beer in my plants to help them out. my parents used to do it and they never had a problem with wilting plants!!