What Holidays do Indians celebrate?

I am currently interested in an American Indian guy who is extremely nice and Christian. He told me he doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving with his family (assuming they aren't Christian) What holidays do they traditionally celebrate? Do they celebrate Birthdays? any feedback will be good. Thanks


Favorite Answer

we celebrate many holidays but they may be secularized. but if he is christian then he celebrates probably the same ones any christian celebrate.


Obviously not only christians celebrate BIRTHDAYS!!!!! Omg.. he is a christian so he celebrates what christians celebrate! He is not hindu but indian! Hindu is a religion and indian is a race. Indians can be muslims,christians or anything else..but hindus celebrate DEEPAVALI.Hope this helps! Remember hindus can be chinese or any other race too. So dont get mixed up! Hope this helps!Yes modern people all CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS!Cause every human has at least a day when the we're born! Hope this helps!

