Problem with pending messages - they don't display attachments.?

I own/moderate 10 Yahoo! Groups for which I must approve all postings. I go to the Pending Messages and click a message but the .jpg attachment(s) won't display. What I do get is a message saying Python Error: <exceptions. System Error instance at [what appears to be a number specific to the individual attachment]>. Anyone have any insights about this? I've reported it to Groups Help and received an auto-generated response saying that I'll be contacted by someone. Should I just be patient here? Does anyone have any insights as to why this is happening. I've never had such a problem before. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

I just tested this out with my own Yahoo group, and it did the exact same thing. So it must not just be you.


Having the same problem in all my groups why doesn't yahoo leave things alone


Yahoo is bringing back storing attachments to groups archives, on Team Blog, they actually say expect bugs