Did Goku ever use Kaioken while he was in his SuperSaiyan State?

I could not find it in animes and manga and i was wondering how he might look with golden hairs and red aura.


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In the filler afterlife tournament, yes. But as far as the real story, no. King Kai says it would be pointless, and I'm pretty sure it's suggested that it might be too much strain for the body to handle, so doing it would rip yourself apart (maybe that's what Vegeta did when he tried to kill Majin Buu?).


No he doesnt use the Kaioken when he goes SSJ
I would be kinda of pointless.
King Kai also mentions it at some point.


No, i think king kai states that kaioken was pointless once some one reach super sayain level.


Once. In the afterlife after Cell Saga


actually yes he does only once n a filler against paikon n tha tournament after he dies