Is it easier to get dates if you profess to believe in AGW?

I can only think that it is easier for guys to get dates if they say they feel AGW is killing us. With the piles of evidence against the theory, this really is the only thing I can think of which keeps the myth alive.


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Talking like a liberal has always been the best way to get a first date. My problem is one or two dates with and air head are all i can take, but sensible women are harder to find then sensible men are. But then there are just as many air heads amongst men as women and this sits proves it every day.


Your question doesn't really do much for the AGW debate but from the answers supplied so far you seem to have provided strong evidence of a link between being a denier and being sexist.


What a bizarre question the premiss is just an insult of course, and the asker hasn't really thought it through as the suggestion is that women think AGW is happening.


A guy with PRO-AGW opinions has definitely more chances and it's related to the emotionality stereotypes that women are more emotional than men.

Girls usually see a guy with a more emotional attitude as a GOOD CATCH.

They also love the whole "hero attitude" thing, posing as a man "who cares for others" and thus more connected to your emotions.... whether is true or not.

That doesn't mean you have to whisper Al Gore's poems in her ear on the first date, but if the subject comes up during the conversation, then perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to memorize few of his mantras....

That IS the secret that keeps AGW alive: EMOTIONS...

Michael is ninga2008-12-04T05:15:34Z

I can see where your coming at but even girls get tired of hearing about AGW! If you pretend to or say so then don't go overboard that she thinks your a relic hippy trying to continue burning man rituals!

Me i tend not to say anything because she will think i'm a geek if i go on about GW why? well at a restaurant what would you rather talk about? GW with statistics? or stuff about her? Or in other words what will make things boring for her?

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