Should I keep my Ex as a Friend? ?

I was dating a guy that we didn't see eye to eye on certain things. Though he was a nice guy and all he seems really persistent in being my friend after we ended things. The thing is I don't want to be his friend because it was hard for me to just pretend to be friends if i still have feelings for him. Altough I have moved on with my feelings every time I see him at work, he seems to put me in this position where he blames me for the break up... bring up the past of our relationship and than he tries to kiss me! Whats so annoying about it is that I have told him we can be friends only if we can just keep it "just friends" but he continues not to respect my decisions and test my limits. I have gotten mad at him, and have told him we can't be friends, but than he gives me a pity party and tries to continue to pursue a friendship. Plus I just met another guy and he seems interested in me, I'm afraid if I tell him, he will go physcho on me... what should I do?


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The meaning of ex is your past and that where it should stay move and be happy it seems as if has no respect for u and he keeps doing it over and over what would happen if u did fine someone u really like he will just make thing harder for u he don't understand what it means to be friends so just leave it as that


It depends on how your ex is but you should tell him that you could be friends only if he does not bring up the past. If he keeps bringing the past then just don't be his friend or don't him a dirty look either because sometimes boys think that it is ok. Just wave at him once a while but not a lot.


Not if he's going to push for more, and you still have any kind of feelings for him. Staying friends is nice if it's a clean break on both sides, but that's rare.


No - don't try to stay friends. He'll use that as a tool to constantly try to worm his way back into your bed and as a way to find out about and ruin any other relationship you have.

Dudes sounds like a psycho - stay away from him


Tha answer is in your question. Quote: "The thing is I don't want to be his friend because it was hard for me to just pretend to be friends.
Be blunt, move on and live your life............

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