For Greg B and paintgirl_h?

Sorry, I know this is annoying, but I need Greg B and paintgirl_h to email me if they see this. And since their profiles don't allow email, I had to make an announcement.

And as for a question...which is your favorite movie/tv horse character of all time? It can be a real horse or a cartoon character, doesn't matter.


Paintgirl: if you go to my profile and send me an email via that, it will just send me a message, it won't actually have your email address (or mine) listed. It's all sent through Yahoo. I hope I didn't freak you out, just wanted to ask you's good, I promise!

To answer my own question, my fav horse (currently) is the one in the movie called "Gypsy Colt." It's a cheesy old movie from 1954 but the horse does some killer tricks. I stumbled upon it on TV the other night and was quite impressed! Although I also really like the horses Shadowfax and Brego from Lord of the Rings. They do some really impressive stuff too.


Favorite Answer

Hi there, Not often people ask for me by name, so you caught my eye! I've been on holidays for a few weeks, plus I have a daughter getting married Dec 21st, so my life is so hectic I've hardly been able to yahoo answer!
Anyhow, I don't know of any way to answer your question, unless you want to edit this and talk to me that way. I'm too chicken to give out my email address to Yahoo answers. A year or so ago I had a BAD experience on eBay - bought an article from someone and it never came and when I wrote her she made my life miserable by writing me endless letters calling me a cheat, theif, liar, and wishing bad karma upon me. Seriously. It wasn't any fun at all, and since then I have decided that I just can't give out my email address to people I don't personally know.
What can I do for you? If you edit this you can ask me a question or whatever that way, and I'll edit this note back.
And answer to your question - I LOVED the Black Stallion when I was a girl and read every book I could get my hands on. The movie was a bit of a rip-off, my imagination was better. And the movie "Black Beauty" still touches my heart, even as an adult. I cry (honestly) every time the scene happens where Ginger has died and is carried past Beauty. I hate how helpless animals are in the hands of cruel owners.
Talk to you later.
Edit: Just so you all know - I had a brave moment and took your advice and am going to TRY allowing emails through Yahoo Answers format. I am hoping no axe murderers start writing me on a regular basis!

Laffnmule's Lode2008-12-07T20:33:50Z

I like Mr. Ed, too. I even still have my Mattel Mr. Ed talking hand puppet.

There was also the Saddlebred that played the role of a Thoroughbred, Blaze King, on the TV series version of National Velvet. (early 1960's)

I also liked Cass Ole`, the Arabian horse that played the part of the Black Stallion.

For a cartoon horse there is Quick Draw McGraw, and his burro sidekick, Bobalouie.

Calm Before The Storm2008-12-07T20:25:27Z

My favorite movie horse character is Flicka
I even teared up a bit in the movie I'm a softy

And for cartoon there is The Captain in the movie/book 101 Dalmatians (96' version)

Greg B2008-12-08T12:59:19Z

Well, I'm honored to be asked for by name.

You actually hit on mine. I have to go with Shadowfax. My first horse that I grew up with and had for twenty years was a grey Arab and his show name was Shadowfax - back before the LOTR movies. At night he looked like a ghost horse. He was so nimble and quick just as Shadowfax was described and he could run all day. In fact, at horse trials as we left the start box, I would tell him to 'show us the meaning of haste.'

When he died, I selected the following for his epitaph:

"And there is one among them that might have been foaled in the morning of the world. The horses of the Nine cannot vie with him; tireless, swift as the flowing wind. Shadowfax they called him. By day his coat glistens like silver; and by night it is like a shade, and he passes unseen. Light is his footfall! Never before had any man mounted him, but I took him and I tamed him, and so speedily he bore me...."


My favorite famous horse is Rex.
Rex, also known as Rex the Wonder Horse and King of the Wild Horses, was a 16 hands, Morgan stallion who starred in films and film serials in the 1920s and 30s. His trainer was Jack "Swede" Lindell, who found him in a boy's school in Flagstaff, Arizona. He found that Rex had the unusual behaviour of trying to bite a whip when it was cracked. Lindell encouraged this and would often stand behind the camera to get a dramatic shot on film. Lindell never left Rex alone on set unless he was locked in his own trailer. During filming of The Law of the Wild Rex made a commotion on set. When he charged the camera (with Lindell behind it) as intended he did not stop when Lindell gave the signal to do so (by holding his whip in both hands). He reared, knocking over several reflectors and causing the cast and crew to scatter for cover. Rex chased one actor, Ernie Adams, who attempted to hide under a car. Rex dropped to his knees and attempted to bite Adams with his head thrust sideways underneath the car. Lindell managed to call Rex off by simply cracking the whip, after which the horse calmly walked over to him. When William Witney, working as an assistant director on the serial, made Stranger at My Door (1956) he described the event to trainer Glen Randall and the scene was recreated for that movie.
He was in
Stormy Actor (1935)
The Law of the Wild (1934)
The King of the Wild Horses (1934)
The Harvest of Hate (1929)
Hoofbeats of Vengeance (1929)
Wild Beauty (1927)
No Man's Land (1927)
No Man's Law (1927)
The Devil Horse (1926)
Black Cyclone (1925

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