how to take the ORANGE color out of my hair?

Ok, I have been doing highlights and dyes and things to my hair for a few years now, but now I want to go back to my natural color. every time I dye my hair, weather it be light brown or dark blonde (which is my natural color) it eventually wears out and leaves my hair looking orangey-red or brassy. I have even went to salons to get it fixed...still no end to the orange, anyone been through this before and have any ideas on how to get rid of the color??!! I really do not want to wait for it to grow out, it would take years.


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I have the same problem. About a month after I get my hair coloured, it starts to turn brassy. My hairdresser has said that it may take about 3-4 times before I notice the brassiness doesn't come back. It's because I had blond highlites for years and am now going back to my natural colour (same as yours). Because there is so much of an orangy/yellowy undertone to blond hair colour, and because of years of colouring, it may take awhile until your new hair colour 'takes hold'. So, hang on, I'm going through the same thing!


you would be able to desire to apply the different shade contained in the spectrum i think of the different to orange is blue and yellow is pink. Born Blonde toners can tone down orange or yellow or those wash in wash out toners in Platinum blonde might do the comparable.


lemons! take lemon juice, and soak your hair in should make your hair lighter taking away the orange.

NP WM2008-12-09T10:32:56Z

acid.. or paint them black..