Do you think that a distinction can be made between religion and politics in Islam?
Is there a distinction or do you think that they have become so blurred that any difference isnt that useful?
Is there a distinction or do you think that they have become so blurred that any difference isnt that useful?
Good luck
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Islam is the in fact best religion in the world...It is very wide and very hard to understand... Many people who are against Islam are doing so... Their are other person who have no religion they do this and i am sure they themselves do not know whey they are doing so..So they say that they are Muslims but they are nit so they try their levels best to destroy the image of Islam in the world......
See in the Islamic world, they play politics with religion.
Religion is for God, as far as I am concerned, the Leader should be the most religious (ie the most righteousness, knowledgeable, pious, just, equitable, etc..) but instead the learned scholar's run far away from politics, since they care more about the hereafter, instead of this worldly life, and that is why you have corrupt Muslim leaders.
The only Muslim leader I respect today, is the Sheik of Dubai. As well as the ruling family of Qatar.
The house of Saud is corrupt, the pakistani guy is corrupt.
Look at turkey for a prime example of secular democracy in an Islamic country.
Cake or Death?
Most certainly there is a difference between the politics of Muslim societies and the religion of Islam, at least in practice. In theory, there is a body of law dictating how the ideal Muslim state should be governed and regulated, but of course no such state exists.
History tells us Muhammad (pbuh) ruled Madinah, Then He conquered Mekkah. He bought peace to Arab. He converted the worst nation of the world to best nation of the world. At the time of Umar (r), He was able to establish peace from Iraq to border of India. History tells us he was a successful ruler. So, as Abu Bakr, Usman and Ali (may Allah please with them). Activities of ruler in modern world is called politics.
If we see the books of Islamic law written by Abu hanifa, Malik, Safaye, Hambly (The four Mazhabs), they wrote more than 40-50 volumes of books regarding Islamic Law. I saw only 5-6 volume written about taharat (cleanness) and five pillers. And all other books are on economics law, social law, public law, international law and of course politics. Imam Abu Hanifa was first one to write law about inter-country relation by analyzing Quran and sunnah which is in modern world known as international politics.
Another thing, Muhammad (s)'s life is divided into two part. Makki and Madani. So, Quran can also divided into two part Makki and Madani. Madani period is the time when prophet Muhammad (s) did hizrat became the head of Madina. So, at that time rules ruling country, rules of war (like sura anfal), rules of judiciary are given to Him by Quran by Allah. As an example you can see rules of agreement in sura bakara verse 283. What can be called these activities? These are all related to politics.
Islam is a complete code of life. Islam can give every solution of any matter that is related to human. Politics is such a matter which is related to human. Islam is not only politics but politics is only a part of Islam.
Many Islamic countries use the Islam as a law also.
Classic theocracy is Iran, but there are many countries, which are - on paper- democracies, but in reality are run by religious leaders and elders (Pakistan and again, many other countries)