On Days of Our Lives who do you dislike more Nicole or Sami? I cant stand Nicole.?

I will be glad when EJ finds out she lost the baby she gets on my last nerve. And what she tried to do to Brady wasn't even right.


Yeah clr9798. This story line will probably carry until spring. My guess.


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Nicole is the one I'm irritated by most.

My reason:
Her evil plan to try to gain access to the DiMera fortune using her fake pregnancy to snare EJ.

I've never been a Nicole Walker fan but to do what she's doing now with Sami in such trouble is totally despicable.


The walls are crumbling for Nicole. With Tony knowing, Stefano on the trail and Mia in town there is no way this can go on much longer. Also if Sami brings Grace out of convent it will all come together I pray. It has been ridiculous how stupid everyone became with Nicole, time for it to end.


I liked when Nicole was actually pregnant they started to show a nicer side to her, but now that she is no longer pregnant and she is trying to be sneaky and back to her own self destructive self. I like her with EJ, he needs to move on from Sammy.
Sammy on the other hand is just like Nicole, she does and schemes until she gets her way or until she is caught as she always is,. She is also an extremly selfish and spoiled person. I think she should be with Rafe the FBI agent.
When they each have good story lines they are both great to watch and see what they will do next.


I like Nicole, but NOT with EJ, he belongs with Sami. Nicole should be with Brady. I can't wait till EJ finds out that she lost the baby & has been lying 2 him. I think we will have to wait a while, cause Sami will be on maturity leave in real life. And I am not sure but it looks like they might pair her up with Raf, we will have to wait and see.



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