Survey - Are you easily offended?

My (um hmm) "friend" called me out about being gassy from carrots. I think i'm offended.


Here is my so called friend -;_ylt=AoLyVbWq4DkaXiSjhjT7vlHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081211054925AAYH19s&show=7#profile-info-lj8PbJugaa


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nope i am friends with you. i cant afford to get offended anymore. haha


It really depends. I do generally have a thick skin, but some things are too near and dear to my heart. I enjoy smut (sadly maybe). I don't mind swearing one little bit. We had a problem a couple of years ago were a guy was exposing himself outside our flat. It didn't even cross my mind to be offended. I still called the police, as I was concerned that he might be a predator. That letter probably would have bounced off me. They would have to have brought it to my desk and handed it over with hostility. I do go to the LGBT section and I hate to see the trolls in there that just seem to be on a mission to upset people. It upsets me a bit in there because it's not meant to be a playground like P&S is. Some of the people are quite vulnerable and don't need that kind of abuse. My girlfriend is part Asian, so we sometimes get racist abuse. I get upset and she tells me to forget it. She has a thicker skin than I do. I try to think of how she would react in everything.

Ms.Fat @ss Giraffe2008-12-11T06:03:17Z

It would take a lot more than that to offend me....
And remind me never to get stuck in a confined space with you Steve!

Puddy look-alike2008-12-11T06:04:51Z

Are you kidding? It would take way more than gassy carrots.


Only by carrot fumes.

I'd like to go on record that you outed yourself!

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