Bestfriend flirting with boyfriend!!!!!!!!??????

I just got a boyfriend and my friend keeps flirting with him. I've talked to her about it and she says she'll stop but i see it happening. And the other day I was talking to him and she glared at me and completly barges into our conversation and starts flirting with him, another thing she did was we were wallking next to eachother and she cut in between us and once again starting flirting wth him. I keep telling her to stop and she says shell stop but she keeps ruining everything and she ditches me to go hangout with him!

Miss Grinch2008-12-11T18:02:03Z

Favorite Answer

she's not a friend dump her and find somebody else


Well then.
She's truly not your true friend now is she? She may be jealous that you have a boyfriend and she doesn't. But you can't let her keep on flirting with your boyfriend the way she does. Tell her to back off and tell your boyfriend to tell her to stop flirting with him! If I ever saw my boyfriend let a girl flirt all over him like that, he better tell her to stop or hell is going downnn, haha


Your so-called bff is not your BFF. If she doesn't even know the boundaries she's crossing right now, you shouldn't even consider her as a best friend, because bff don't do that. Either confront her again or tell her the friendship is over!

Point Blank Range2008-12-11T18:02:25Z

Well, I would probably whoop her a** by now...

But, tell your man to stop allowing her to flirt. If he rejects her, furthermore, in front of you, then it will (or should) embarass her enough to stop. (She'll probably start disliking him.)

That's when you cut this FAKE friend, loose.


okayy heres wahh yuu do. if she is worth havinqq your boyfriend then try to be sneaky. find out if shes a true friend.
ask your boyfriend to talk to her online like IM.
and just tell him to kinda ask her out and say he wants to cheat cause he likes her. now if she says yes, dump her. If she says no its wronq then shes a true friend.

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