Power outage and my betta?

I have an emergency generator for my 55 gallon planted aquarium but I don't have one for my 10 gallon betta tank that is located at the opposite end of the house. During a power outage (and we have them on and off all winter) should I put Felix (my betta) in a bag and float him in the main tank so he doesn't get cold? The two tanks are kept at about the same temperature.


Felix has to stay in his own water because the pH of the main tank is considerably lower than that in the betta tank because of the Co2 system.


Favorite Answer

Depending on how low your pH in the main tank is, your betta may do fine in there. Bettas like pH of 6.5-7.5. If you introduce your betta slowly he will be fine in the main tank if the pH is in that range. If the pH does't work for the betta, then yes, I would definately float him in a bag in the main tank so he stays nice and warm. I would use a large bag, or make frequent water changes in the bag if the power outage lasts awhile, something I'm sure you would already do since it seems you take great care of your fish. :)


You are keeping excellent care of your fish. I would recommend a breeder trap over a bag to keep his temperature stable and ensure proper short term water quality. Make sure the temperatures and pH are both similar to avoid shock.

Fish Man!2008-12-13T11:42:28Z

if its longer than a couple of hours or the water drops below 24c i would float him or use a breeding trap

or maby just have him in the 55 gallon tank over winter if he is compatable with the other fish

To the first answer: BETTAS ARE NOT COLDWATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Betta can be kept as cold water fish, just make sure he is aclimatised to the drop in temperature, so don't just chuck the little guy in cold water!

Hope this helps...


It depends on how cold it gets. I have had betas, and I never had a heater for them