Being tall and owning a small car?

Im looking into getting a new vehicle and i need some assistance. since i dont test drive many cars, im at a bit of a loss about car size and driver height. im 6'4"(193 cm) and was looking at getting a midsize car like a jetta or cobalt. would i be able to fit comfortably ina vehicle that size or do i have to step up to an impala or full size car?
any information would be helpful! thanks!


i was looking at the jetta TDI


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Cars with front-wheel drive have a great deal more room than you'd suspect from looking at the outside. You needn't be like Tackleberry of Police Academy and tear out the driver's seat of a subcompact n order to fit.

A friend of mine, himself 6-4, once swore to me that he couldn't fit behind the wheel of anything smaller than a then-current Chevy Lumina. Turned out that, after his divorce. he could fit behind the wheel of a Ford Escort without looking like he was driving a clown car.

Researching the interior dimensions of both cars will give you some idea, but you'll still want to check how each car's seat cushion, height and rake make the most pleasant place to drive.


Usually, smaller cars have more room for taller people than midsized or large cars.
If you noticed, small cars are taller.
Mazda 3 and Toyota Yaris and Honda Fit and Nissan Versa are all taller than larger cars like Honda Accord, Ford Taurus, Chevy Mailbu, and Nissan Altima.
The Jetta and Cobalt are classified as compact cars. The Jetta is the largedt compact car I know of being almost as big as the mid sized Ford Fusion.

You should test drive the cars. Sit in them, adjust the seats, drive them, and check how much rear legroom there is for the passenger with your seat pushed back.

Super Mom!2008-12-13T12:55:35Z

If you want to know for sure, you'll have to test drive them. The size of the car isn't the only thing to look for when buying, so test driving will assure you that you have chosen the right car for you.

Beauty School Dropout2008-12-13T14:02:26Z

get a big car or else you will look like a giant in a mini car. My ex boyfriend was 6.5 and i laughed everytime i saw him drive in my ford esscort..


get a suv i get 22 mpg for high way and yeah your car only gets 25 that is not much more

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