Can BOTH Christians and Atheists Try To Explain This?

If it takes 3 men 4 days to dig 5 holes, why did God make the dirt so heavy that 2 of the men needed hospital treatment for back problems but only one of those men was an atheist.

Does this mean that God loves holes in the ground nearly as much as He loves the dirt that comes out of them?

Please give as many Biblical references as possible to support your answers.


Skeptics take pride in their use of intellect but not necessarily in their intellectual ability. Skeptics have beliefs but beliefs are predicated on the soundness of empirical evidence.

Only naive and gullible fools think everything we believe is based upon logic and evidence. Psychological drivers cause us to pervert evidence and logic into agreeing with what we want to be believe.

Skeptics believe there is no rational basis for belief in that without or in defiance of empirical evidence - such belief is just ignored and dismissed as baseless.

Observational evidence does NOT indicate the universe has an observationally undetected cause - stating that it does just shows your fundamental ignorance about science and philosophy.

The strong atheist makes no claim that the universe has to have a naturalistic cause so your conclusion is unwarranted nonsense arising from your fundamental ignorance.

You are out of your depth by an order of magnitude beyond your comprehension.


Deb D
Skeptics take pride in their use of intellect but not necessarily in their intellectual ability. Skeptics have beliefs but beliefs are predicated on the soundness of empirical evidence.

Only naive and gullible fools think everything we believe is based upon logic and evidence. Psychological drivers cause us to pervert evidence and logic into agreeing with what we want to be believe.

Skeptics believe there is no rational basis for belief in that without or in defiance of empirical evidence - such belief is just ignored and dismissed as baseless.

Observational evidence does NOT indicate the universe has an observationally undetected cause - stating that it does just shows your fundamental ignorance about science and philosophy.

The strong atheist makes no claim that the universe has to have a naturalistic cause so your conclusion is unwarranted nonsense arising from your fundamental ignorance.

You are out of your depth by an order of magnitude beyond your comprehension.


Favorite Answer

Most skeptics take pride in their intellectual ability and like to think that they have no "beliefs." Although we would like to think that everything we believe is based upon evidence and logic, this is simply not true. A skeptic or atheist is governed by two main principles: 1) all beliefs must be supported by observational evidence, and 2) beliefs that contradict observational evidence cannot be tolerated. However, strong atheism states that there is no god, even though observational evidence indicates that the universe has a cause that cannot be detected observationally. So despite the lack of observational evidence for a naturalistic cause for the universe, the strong atheist believes that the universe has a naturalistic cause and that there is no god, contradicting the tenet that all beliefs should be based upon observational evidence.


An intriguing question that has no satisfactory answer, except for the questioner.

One man digs loved dirt out of 5 holes for 4 days.


Alright, first, God didn't make dirt heavy for the sole reason that two men would need back treatment. Really?

God has higher reasons for creating things that the human mind can comprehend. (Isaiah 55:8)

God loves his lowly creations equally, just as he loves all humans equally. Remember, God gave us free will, he didn't force the men to dig holes, that was their choice.

Your question doesn't make much sense, though.

bonzo the tap dancing chimp2008-12-14T18:09:05Z

The answer is obvious when viewed from the perspective of an equally reverse reflection when its intention is diverted inwards without any overlay of calculated conscious inversion. Or maybe it isn't.


If they were digging the holes for the glory of God, no one would have been injured. But then they would have been called Glory Holes.

God digs Glory Holes.

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