Where can I find a 8GB microSD card? (not microSDHC)?

I've tried looking online for it, but never found it.


Well, the manufacturer says it can support 8gb. (Propel A767 Blue)


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Click here for what you need:



That is because they do not make them. The biggest Micro SD card is 4GB. To get 8GB you need a micro SDHC card. The HC stands for high capacity. It is the same size physically just has more memory. Just be sure your device will recognize that big a card.
Check the Manufacturer's website to see if the device will recognize that large a card.


Here is a 16gb micro SDHC card with a reader for it.


Hope this helps


They don't exist. The technology only allows up to 4GB.

SDHC is needed to go beyond 4GB.