what do these icons on my cell phone mean? I'm desperate.?

I don't think that my text messages have been sent correctly. I'm used to seeing check marks next to my sent messages. Now there are new icons i don't recognize. In particular...
1. two triangles facing opposite directions. It kind of looks like they are two arrows moving around a box (they aren't actually moving)
2. green arrow pointing the the upper righthand corner.

What do these mean?


Favorite Answer

That would depend on your phone. Look in its instruction manual & it will explain what each icon stands for. If you can't find the physical manual just look for it online.


I bought a htc phone at A.T.&T and I don't know what most of the icons mean where can I get a book about the phone.


I don't have a clue what kind of phone you have but in mine the 1st one kind of sounds like you are paired with a bluetooth enabled device and the second indicates that you are sending data. Try going online and looking for the manual for your particular phone and it should tell you.

Just M2008-12-16T22:06:57Z

check your connection there might be a problem but the arrow in the corner probably means that the message is trying to be sent but maybe there is a problem? check the manual that came with the phone or you should have an icon glossary under tools in your onscreen menu


when i get a text on the left side a the top i see a picture of a envelope and cellphone what does that mean

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