A "pet peeve" of mine is people who bring their dogs into stores. Does this bother anyone else?

I have 2 dogs myself and I love my dogs, but I do not feel the need to take them to Home Depot, Walmart, Nordstroms, Best Buy (all places I have seen dogs) AND these are clearly not seeing eye dogs. Is it an insecurity issue? The owners can't be by themselves?

T R [Metallica week]2008-12-16T23:55:27Z

Favorite Answer

Some people can't have children, and their pets are their children and fairly so treat them as their children.
It's quite sad, actually.


I thought there were laws about taking dogs into places like that. Some people have allergies, dog hair getting on new clothing, etc. You might speak to a manager. I have a small dog also, would enjoy taking her in the car with me, but I DO NOT, because it is unsafe to leave them alone in the car, and her place is not in the store where I o to shop.

Why do they do it? Simple, the dog becomes part of the family and probably gets stressed when left at home alone, so they take it with them. I don't think it's really an insecurity issue at all, for the human.

[ Frankly I'd rather have a few small dogs being carried around the store than the tribes of families that think 4 generations with 8 kids need to tag along to buy a few bags of candy at Walmart, now that is annoying]


I don't think it is very hygenic to take a dog into a store.
If you did that in New Zealand you would be told to get out or prosecuted. Its against the law in New Zealand.
I have heard of one Supermarket where my mum shops, that has a rail outside, especially for dogs to be tied to, while their owners are inside shopping.
Its not an insecurity issue. I think it is the owners way of exercising the dog as dogs need regular exercise.


Dogs are used for far more than being seeing eye dogs.
They have been used by people who suffer from epilepsy as they can detect fits before anyone else, they have been used by people with autism and numerous behaviour problems.

But mostly i have seen people bringing their pets into shops simply because they want to, i don't mind if they are well controlled and aren't drooling and jumping all over the place.


It doesn't really bother me, but the only time I see dogs in stores is a pet store or if its a seeing eye dog for a blind person.

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