Craigslist scam or not?

I am not TOO familiar with craigslist all that much so I have a question about the response I got for my 5 piece drum set that I am trying to sell:
This is the exact email:
Thank you very much for your swift response and for telling me the Item is still available.I am satisfied with the conditions has you have stated in the craigslist. I have a schedule already,for i need to attend an important seminar in Iowa so i wont be able to come to check it at your place.Since i am ok with the condition,i will be sending you a certified check that will cover the amount of the Item and the moving funds.You are to take your money for the item from the check after cleared in your bank within 2-3 days and have the rest sent to the mover via western union money transfer or money gram.For your inconvenience,i will add $50
with the payment to be your running around fee.I'm always a busy person and i will not like to miss this item.The information of the mover will be sent to you after the check is received and he will be at your location for the pick up with a signed note explaining that he will be assuming responsibility for the item on my behalf.

Kindly get back to me with the following information for issuing of
the payment........


Thank you

Now, in my listing I already mentioned cash and pickup only. But that is what he is saying. I have seen some scam email on craigslist though...So I was wondering if this is a scam or not. Thank you for your time.


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i don't trust it. i've seen several craigslist scams and i'm not positive but this sounds like it may be one. this one is probably after your phone number and address so they can junk mail you to death and sic their telemarketers on you. i don't think you'll ever see a check.


It's a scam, they'll draw up a forged or bad cashier's/certified check that will bounce but take some time to clear (and then bounce). In the mean time, you've given them the item and probably given them some of the excess as well (the scam used to involve sending a check for more than the amount of the item and having you return the excess).


SCAM SCAM SCAM S. C. A. M.!!!!!!!!! I get those alot selling on Craigslist. Ever tried Ebay? I sell there, too. YAH! If you specify cash, that's the best way to go so just ignore those looooooosers especially if they ask for all your personal info. (Ebay doesn't have this prob)

Good luck


1. You deposit his bogus check into your bank.
2. You send him (the "mover") your real money by WU.
3. Your bank informs you the check was no good, and debits your account, plus a fee.
4. The crook has your money and you have no way to get it back.

As Craigslist advises, deal with local people who hand you real cash.

leslie g2008-12-17T07:09:03Z

Yep it is defiantly a scam!! My boyfriend and I were selling a few things before and we got a e-mail just like that one it just seemed so strange and sounded so complicated. So we just e-mailed him back saying sorry but we already found another buyer. We had also heard about that on the news once so dont do it!

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