How do I find files to delete?

I have a laptop running Win XP. It has a 80GB hard drive. W few weeks ago I got a virus and had to re-install Windows XP. After that I re-installed a few games and files, not much but my hard drive is now full! I've tried to delete things but my hard drive is still full of stuff. I think it's left over from before the re-install. How do I find the largest files so I can delete them to free up space on the HD?


Favorite Answer

Since you already know how to reinstall windows just reformat your hard drive. That will wipe it clean and you can start from scratch with 80gb minus what windows takes up.


Try Disk Cleanup utility first:

Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools -> Disk Cleanup,

it'll scan your HD and will tell you which files can be deleted. Often you have to many restore points for System Restore and it is usually safe to delete all of them but the last. Use "More Options" tab to do that.


You can use Tunne Up 2008 and find big & large file, then deleted them.
Maybe that's backup file and it take your space very much

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