Don't you just HATE this type of e-mail?

"If you care...forward this to 10 friends".

"If you love God, forward this..."

"If you forward this in 10 minutes, your fortunes will dramatically change..."

"If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, forward this..."

"If you support our troops, forward this..."

"Let Congress know you support (or don't support) this by forwarding this..."

"Forward this to 10 friends, and make sure you send it back to me!!"

Who else is just sick of these e-mails?? They are a form of emotional blackmail, in my humble opinion. The inference is that if you DON'T forward these e-mails, you are a godless, friendless Commie who would just as soon defect to Russia as kiss your mama.

I propose a worldwide protest against forwarded e-mails! Stand up for yourselves as caring, compassionate individuals who are too intelligent to succumb to implied blackmail.


What say you??

Ron S2008-12-18T09:59:41Z

Favorite Answer

It's called spam, even if its from people who you know. Just delete it and go about your business. Oh yeah, don't forget about those emails from desperate Nigerian officials wanting you to give you millions to help then transfer some funds.


I know I hate this to i've even had ones saying if this is the head of MSN if you don't forward this then due to a recent registration of millions of users your account will be deleted!

My friend is spamming me with these as she believes and I tell her no chain mail but she keeps doing it! I get so annoyed especially the ones saying send this to 10 people or they will think you hate you! I just delete them straight away!

KT x


I am with you on this! I especially dislike the one with if you like God, foward this. That one bugs me the most.