What adoption book are you currently reading and would you recommend it?



I would highly recommend "The Girls that Went Away". I agree it was a very emotional read and extremely informative.

Andraya - Snark's Sister2008-12-20T11:43:35Z

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I just finished reading The Adoption Triangle for the third time. I would recommend it but you really have to bear in mind that it was written in the 70's. Some of the language is off and a few of the ideas are dated but other than that it is still very relevant.


I just picked up The English American at the library tonight. I am anxious to read it.

I am glad that so many are reading TGWWA. The women in that book are my friends and peers and most have been my support for years. I am not sure what I would have done without their friendship. Some of them are the dearest friends I have in the world. It is interesting to talk to the bright, vibrant, witty and very funny women they are today, and then to read their stories in the book and think about how horrible it was for them, and then realize, oops! That was ME, too! Those Senior Mothers are the best! It is interesting to note, I believe, that Ann chose that time period specifically to address in the book.

I understand that there was a recent showing of Ann's film from the visual arts version from which the book was written. If you have seen the presentation, it is extremely powerful. I am dying to see the film.

I have read many, many books about the adoption experience, and some are excellent. One that isn't directly about adoption that I read at the same time as Primal Wound that really stuck with me was Babies Remember Birth. Powerful!

Nurse Autumn Intactivist NFP2008-12-20T11:24:23Z

I finished "The Girls Who Went Away" recently and yes, I would recommend it. Be prepared though, I could only read small bits at a time, it was a very emotional read


Although I read it long ago, I just loaned out my copy of The Primal Wound to a friend who mentors a young man with a difficult past. He has all the symptoms of the classic primal wound. The person I loaned the book says she hasn't slept in two nights...engrossed and so completely consumed with reading the book.

Essential reading if you want to understand. Although easily read, it is a tough book to fully understand if you are


I, too, just finished "The Girls Who Went Away". It really helped with understanding what many n moms went through during the baby snatch era.
I have always been sympathetic to n Mom's pain, but never really understood how their experiences could affect the rest of their lives.
I highly recommend this book to everyone, whether they are n moms, a pa's or adoptees.

For me, it helped me to put my feelings regarding my own relinquishment in a different light. Meaning her having difficulties with accepting me as an adult have nothing to do with me as a person, but everything to do with the way she was made to feel about herself and the situation.

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