An age-old question...?

Much of Milton's "Paradise Lost" revolves around Lucifer's aggressive pursuit of Free Will. According to most established monotheistic religions, God is an omniscient being.
My question is: if God is omniscient, can Free Will truly exist? What are your thoughts on this matter?


To those who think I am trying to get others to do my homework:
Believe what I am going to tell you or not, but it is the truth. I am a person in my forties who has not seen the inside of a classroom in quite some time. I have asked this question purely as an intellectual exercise for those who care to answer it.


Favorite Answer

Yeah, this is a tough one. It's hard to take a stance on this, but if I had to, I'd say hard determinism is most likely what goes on.


Like somebody else said this seems like a homework question. I am not going to do your homework. But I am going to give you my thoughts on the matter. Like in the Iliad, the Gods play a part in the people's lives, but it is the person who ultimately decides what they are going to do.


I'm sorry, but I won't do your homework.

Seriously, your question reeks of being homework. Do your own work, that's the point of homework


idk . sorry