can a blue lovebird be put into a cage with parakeets ?

i have a blue lovebird and her mate died, seems lonely. can i put it in a cage with 2 blue parakeets ?


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i think u can put anykind of pet bird with cockatiel is with my green parakeets in the same cage. at first they were fighting and stuff so i took them both out and i put them together.when they fighted when i did that then i would take them away from each other and the next day i did it again. i just kept on doing that untill they would stop fighting so now their in the same cage!

take out all of you parakeet and you lovebird

put them together. if they fight take them away from each other

do it again the next day. then ur birds will get used 2 each other

then u can put them in the same cage


I also have two Lovebirds,Three Cockatiels and,five Parakeets in the same very huge cage(6x3x3).I think part of the trick is for everyone to have enough room,food,and food bowl,tpys..I also feed my birds in my hands,like pieces of avi cakes or millet,and if they squabble,I just put the one who started it down,and they pick up real quick that I dont like them to fight.the best way to introduce the birds together is to place their cages together for a few weeks,and then leave the cages open so they can investigate with each other while you are watching them.See how it goes,and take your time,birds dont like extreme changes,you have to move slowly.


most people would say not to do this because of the chance they will not get along but i have always put lovebirds and budgies in the same cage with no problems. just make sure before you do this that you leave the cages beside each other for 2 weeks this way they get use to each other


first of all, you could't shop a parrot in its cage all day. they could desire to return out to socialise. they like the touch and interest. As a prevalent rule, parrots and infants do no longer blend. The hyperactivity of youthful toddlers can over excite a parrot. to no longer point out, careless arms can get bitten. i do no longer think of its a powerful thought.


no they will killl it common sense