my tooth hurts when i eat gummy worms? lol?

is it that i have a cavity?

i guess part of the candy gets in the crevices of my tooth and it kinda hurts.....?


lmao thank you, thank you to those two guys..add my myspace haha jk :)


its pretty much every time..maybe i do have sensitive teeth?


Favorite Answer

maybe they are just really sensitive
I love gummy worms lol
virtual hug for all your teeth trouble.


I would have a dentist do an exam (do tell them where it is sensitive). It sounds like "a cavity" to me, since it happens when you are chewing gummy worms (a cavity on the chewing surface) and not with other sweets (which could also be root sensitivity).


ummmm is this supposed to be a serious question???? really i think you should NOT give your gerbil or any pet candy!!! think of it this way: don't feed them anything that they wouldn't encounter in the wild. Do gummy worms grow out of the ground? off trees? yah, didn't think so.


#1 Cure For Toothaches -


I have the same thing happen, but it's not because of cavities. You just have to learn to chew sticky sweet things differently.

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