If "you" could choose, would you rather have all people become nothing after they die, or have the few saved?

Remember, this is if YOU could have things YOUR way. It is a hypothetical. For example, If I could choose, gravity wouldn't apply to me, even though I think it does. Understand?

Now back to the question. Would you rather have everyone's consciousness cease to exist when they died, or an afterlife where most good people were punished for eternity (statistically speaking, good people outnumber bad) and only a few select were rewarded?

Remove all axioms while answering this question. Treat it at face value.


When I say the "few", that doesn't necessarily mean Christian. It could mean the people that still believed in Mithra or Ra.
Simply take the question at face value.


God's way isn't an option. I said take it at face value.


Favorite Answer

Why would I choose between two not so good choices when reality is much better?

God wants all humanity to share eternity with Him. A few will choose to decline His invitation but most will accept.

The Catholic Church believes that those who die never hearing of Christ but have sought the truth and does the will of God as they understand it will be saved. This is based on Romans chapter 3:

For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified. For when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature observe the prescriptions of the law, they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law.

They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge people's hidden works through Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:13-16)

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1257-1261: http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt2sect2.shtml#art1

With love in Christ.


As i'm helpful you're conscious, Christians all over the realm disagree on such distinctive issues. The Amish do no longer believe contained in using modern gadgets, yet they particularly seem very dedicate Christians. Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Catholics can't agree on which thank you to head themselves. some Christian church homes believe that genuine Christians could desire to be vegetarian. some Christian church homes believe that the Sabbath is on Saturday, no longer Sunday. The Mormons believe that their founder grew to become right into a "latter day saint." And do you comprehend what? There are even some Christian church homes that there's no longer something incorrect with being gay. So who're you going to believe? Which Christian church is "right?" Are any of them right?

mo in the middle2008-12-25T18:00:03Z

Oh good, I so rarely get the opportunity to play god.

If I were a god, I would make all consciousness cease to exist after death, if the only other option was eternal torture for the multitudes. A finite consciousness is not a bad thing. I makes the time we have on this earth precious.

Mark C2008-12-26T06:40:17Z

I would think the "saved " few would feel awful if they caused that much suffering to the other 'good' people that didn't make the cut.

So all should cease to exist.


I would rather have everyone die, then "wake up" and then spend a long time looking CLOSELY and THOROUGHLY at the life they lived (maybe an angel will help them understand how they good have "done better", and then reincarnating to "live and learn".

Even Hitler keeps getting more chances, if he can show some improvement between lifetimes.

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