What does a DirectBuy membership cost?


I'm looking for a cost figure here so I can do the cost/benefit analysis for myself.


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Well here you go !! I went to the promotional meeting,,and listened to the spiel,,and joined.. Its $2800.00 and $200.00 renewal membership fee per year.. After I listened to all of it and signed up.. I went home and thought about it..Unless you have a whole house to furnish,, you will never realize a savings advantage.. Fortunately,,I listened to EVERYTHING they had to say,,and you have three days to change your mind..AND I put it on my charge card,,so that was a plus too..I returned the next day after sleeping on it and dropped out.. it took TWO months till my charge card was cleared.. Also,,the next YEAR,,and I wasn't even a member,,they charged my card with the yearly $200.00 membership renewal fee.. All in all,, It wasn't for me..And I had to contact FTC,, State consumer fraud people,,my bank and my Charge acct.. people ,,and cancel my card and get a new number !! Once they get you,,they don't want to let go.. MY state consumer complaint office said they have had several complaints against them,,and the Better Business Bureau in my state said the same.. My experience wasn't a pleasant one,, so I would advance with much care and trepidation !! I'm sure SOMEBODY must do alright with these peoples,,but it wasn't me.. SOLOMON

R P A2008-12-26T11:13:30Z

It's a scam! Costs way to much, hard sell, you can match prices or do better watching for sales at Lowes, Home Depot etc. Don't be a fool.

Karen L2008-12-26T23:22:30Z

They seem to cost different amounts in different times and places. I think they charge as much as they think you'll fall for. And you can't do a real cost/benefit analysis when they won't give you facts about the discounts they supposedly offer.


My friend got a free ticket. Think he said they wanted $2500 and up per year membership. I would stay away.


Please be careful if your planning to buy a membership with them. I've heard horror stories. Maybe check with the BBB before diving in. Good luck.

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