Laptop computer or personal computer?

laptop or PC?

well, I was presented a laptop yesterday and I am so happy!! It's worth it! Good bye to brother who always plays computer games and reads my letters, good bye to uncomfortable chair and terrible microphone,,,,

Happy new Year!!

~ Esperanza ~

But Inside I'm Screaming2009-01-01T08:53:33Z

Favorite Answer

I love my laptop. I don't go anywhere without it!


Personally I would just go with buying a computer. Getting roped into a 2 year contract for however much money a month doesn't really appeal to me. If you won't be doing much with it beyond using the net and other casual tasks, you could easily pick up a laptop for $300-400 that would still be quite decent. That way if you ever want an upgrade or to do something else with it down the road, you have flexibility. I would never recommend getting a computer on lease, but I'm probably biased thanks to the fact that I'm always upgrading parts, and have completely replaced everything in my system over the course of the last year. But really, do you want to still be paying for a laptop that could very well be overpriced for the next 2 years when you could get a laptop that met your exact needs and price range and then be done with it without spending much? If you're not doing any photo editing/gaming/movie making/rendering, then you really don't have to spend much on a laptop. A few hundred bucks will do the job and still get you a nice machine.




The only thing that I use my Desktop Computer for is for E-Mail, basic word processing/spreadsheets .. and just things that don't require a lot of processing power.

It is my laptop that I take everywhere -- and it is the one that has to have the most capability. I am enjoying SLR Photography (Digital as well as Film) -- so you can understand that I have advanced Graphics/Photo Editors that I use -- and these photos that I am taking, I need to review in the field as I set up (I take test shots to make sure I have the settings, lens/filters, everything that I need to provide the best possible product in place and working as expected).

Since I also write my own WebSites/WebPages .. that also requires that I have a good laptop too. I have also learned how to write programs in other computer languages .. and I also take courses (for fun and to stay active) at my Local College also (so need the laptop to take notes and do the work that I do at the College).


If u have space, get a computer for speed and more reliability than a laptop. But if u have less space, get a laptop and bag if you want to move a laptop from places to places like if your moving away to another country, u can have a lot of fun with a laptop but it can get damaged during flight so if you have a computer, you won't be tempted moving away with a laptop for a few weeks for months.

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