Why do people hate Phillip Rivers?

I don't care that people hate him. I actually think it's kind of funny. I just wonder why.


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I will answer your question with honesty, though you may not agree with me.

There are 2 players in the NFL who get special treatment from me. For these two, I change the channel when they're talking on screen, or if I think it's brief, I'll mute the TV. I don't want to hear what they have to say and I don't want to look at them. They are T.O. and Phillip Rivers. If I am at someone else's house, I will go to another room. There are other players I don't like, but only these two get this harsh treatment.

For Rivers, it started with some of his sideline antics and off-field comments. His demeanor reminds me of an Alabama State Trooper. He has that special southern arrogance that only a prized athlete in Dixie can obtain. He comes off as smug at best, arrogant at worst. Some may mistake this as being cocky or confident, but there is a decided difference. Brett Favre is cocky. Donovan McNabb is confident. Neither player has ever gotten into it with fans or yelled at opposing players from the sidelines.

I actually like the Chargers - that's the tragedy here. I think Merriman got a raw deal. I love Darren Sproles - the "lightning bug". So I'm torn when watching Chargers games, between wanting the city to enjoy long overdue success and wanting to see Billy Volek out there leading them to it.

I guess until Rivers shows some humility, that's just the way things are. People have the capacity to change. I may yet be impressed by Rivers.


He has a hate base that are misguided for the most part. There was an incident about 3 years ago where he was caught yelling back at Cutler from the sidelines. Of course the cameras didn't show moments before when Cutler grabbed his crotch and shouted profanities at the Charger sideline. So Rivers got branded a sore winner and a prick from that moment on. He's a high emotion guy during games and that rubs people the wrong way, but I'll bet nearly all of those haters would love to have him on their teams. If you watch him in interviews he really does come across as a very nice guy. He doesn't deserve the hate.

Friendly Stranger..2009-01-02T10:23:26Z

I don't hate him either, but I think many are disgusted about the fact that he talks too much trash to his opponents, and he seems a bit cocky. I have noticed that about him, but I think if anyone has earned the right to talk it is him. He engineered a comeback that was improbable for his team. After starting 4-8 they came back to win the division and make the playoffs. He was the main reason. He had the highest QB rating in the league, and was still snubbed in the pro bowl. I think he has earned the right to talk a little. But many don't like his attitude. They dislike how he talks trash and seems cocky.


He thinks he is the **** but i really think he is only good because of LT, he takes a lot of pressure off of rivers and makes play action so effective


How can you like someone who talks a bunch of crap and is that cocky but had done NOTHING in his career so far!! NOTHING!! Name one thing you will remember Rivers for if he retired today?? Oh wait did I hear NOTHING!!! He gets a C in my grade book. They shouldve kept Brees...Brees and LT would be a sick combo right now!!

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