Panic Attack From Sound?

It's not just sound in genrally it's like immediate loud sounds, and i start panicing as if im in real danger. It takes like 20 minuets for me to calm down, it's just really scary.


Panic attacks are caused by traumas usually in childhood that the conscious mi ind was not able to deal with. Subconscious triggers can remind the subconscious mind of the trauma or traumas and cause us to relive them but not knowing why. Something that had to do with loud sounds or something that happened during loud sounds probably caused this. There are many safe medications that will stop the panic attacks if they are disrupting your life.


me too ,,and i can tell you it wont get better but you will get better at handling it ,, after several rocket and mortar attacks , i would jump out windows at loud noises ,,now i just wet myself and pass gas


Have you asked your doctor about xanex