HELP?? I think I have IBS or something?

i was at a party on new years eve i woke up the next morning and i had severe intestine pains so i went to the bathroom felt better then on my way home my pain came back but i didn't go to the bathroom til the next morning the intestine pain stayed around all day then when i was going to bed at 3 in the morning last nite i couldn't sleep i was sweating so bad i ran to the bathroom but it took about 30 minutes for one little thing to come out and the pain was so bad i could have passed out went back to bed with moderate pain woke up this morning with some pain but soon as i moved the pain got worse then i went to the bathroom then about an hour ago i went again with serve pain again and now i can feel the pain lingering inside me it feels like


yes i was drinking and when i go to the bathroom it takes a lil pushing then it comes out painfuly and its alot to but the first time i went it i was sat there for 30 mins and about passed out from it also i stopped smoking if that does anything


Favorite Answer

Hmmm. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is generally not a temporary or occasional condition, so that would not be my first thought. Initially I would consider whether or not you ate a diet highish in fibre. If not, I would imagine mere constipation could be at fault, and would suggest eating, to get things started, an apple and several hands-full of pretzels washed down with several cups of water. That has, believe it or don't, a fairly good laxative effect. Then, if that works and ameliorates this pain, and you have good output, I would say you should put more fibre in your diet as a natural course.
If the pain persists, or if the pretzels don't work, especially if you have any bloating, and little or no output, seek medical care at once as you may have intestinal blockage. This is not something to let alone for long. See if the apple and pretzels help and, if not, get thee to a doctor at once.
Hope you feel better soon.

Ginny Jin2009-01-03T21:23:20Z

You could be dehydrated. Were you drinking alcohol.