Catholics, if we die and don't make it to Heaven but go to Purgatory to suffer until our souls are cleansed ?
enough to enter into God's Kingdom, what happens to people who die the day of judgment day who's souls may not be purified enough to go to Heaven, but not bad enough to go to Hell? Will it just be unfortunate for them that they died at that time and go to Hell? LOL. Not that it's funny, but it is something to think about.
You know what I mean, Who die the day that Christ returns again. Sorry, I worded that wrong.
Favorite Answer
Brenda, remember there is no "time" as we know it, in an infinite existence. The amount of purification one needs is the amount one needs. It is not a function of time but purification. The important thing to remember is that there is no "down" button on the purgatory elevator. If you make it that far, you will be in heaven. Peace
Here's another way of looking at Purgatory. An analogy which may help you deal with what we mean by Purgatory is the realization that the "fire" of Purgatory is actually the Love of God. Indeed, properly understood, the "fire" of Purgatory, the "fire" of Hell, and the "fire" of Heaven (for the OT speaks of Heaven as a "fiery" place quite often) is all, in truth, the SAME fire, which is the burning and unquenchable Love of Almighty God. And, depending on the disposition of a soul at the time of death, when everything else except God is stripped away from them, the soul will either be tormented by this "Fire" (i.e., Hell because the soul wants nothing to do with God), or he will be purged of lingering sin by this "Fire" (Purgatory), or he will be able to unite with the "Fire" itself (Heaven), since both the soul and the Fire share a common Nature (2 Peter 1:4)--that is, the soul has already been transformed into an image of Christ (a saint) prior to death. So, all depends on the soul's disposition. Or, look at it this way: If someone is asleep in a dark room, and someone suddenly throws open the curtains to reveal a bright, sunny day, and if the person has had a good night's sleep, and is ready to wake up, he will be able to open his eyes and greet the morning sun with no problem (i.e., Heaven). However, if the person is suffering from a horrible hang-over and has had little or no sleep at all, he will hide his face under the blankets and want nothing to do with the sun (i.e., Hell). However, if he is only a little hung-over, or still a little sleepy, he will be able to open his eyes somewhat—to tentatively look at the sunlight, as he struggles to acclimate to the morning sun (i.e., Purgatory). In essence, this is all Catholicism is saying about the Afterlife, when a Christian finally sees the ultimate Reality, which is God. If they think about it, a Protestant doesn't believe differently at all. God Bless Robin
That one is pretty hard to answers for no one truly knows. I do know that there will be a great war when the Anti-Christ will rise and try to take over. During this time there will many who will leave the Catholic Faith due to fear of being Martyred, Some will be Martyred, and few will survive. The Day of Judgment will take place I believe after the three days of darkness, though that is not the end, from my understanding there will be a time of peace afterwards, and the earth will eventually become like that of the first earth mentioned in Proverbs 8, 26, which would be Paradise on earth again. During the time of Judgment Purgatory will be closed, from there it is heaven or hell. Also from my understanding St. Uriel the Archangel (who protects against anger, anxiety, and evil people) will be telling people to repent, those who do not will be an enemy of Christ and will be executed by him. This information that I have obtains comes from many different Prophecies in which my Aunts were always looking up.
You may want to read about the Three Days of Darkness:
Other Prophecies and revelations:
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden:
If we are pure enough to go to Heaven we may have to enter a state of purgatory where you will be purified like what you said. Purgatory was mentioned in the Torah but they called it hell where the souls are purified on hot fire just like Gold is purified before we go to Heaven However all souls will be sent to the almighty God Jesus Christ for judgement not personal where the God Jesus Christ will decide if we go to Heaven or hell. Souls that are in purgatory will go to Heaven
Mistoday gave an excellent answer with excellent references to Purgatory. Mainly Peter 3:14-16. For Catholic Christians God is a person. Being a Catholic Christian is entering into a loving relationship with our creator. It is not like CJ or Chris's view of religion where you have a God that cranks out a gift on schedule when when you say his special prayer.