I need to get a new cell phone - which would you choose and why?

Apple IPhone
Blackberry Storm


Favorite Answer

Hi, hopefully this helps with your decision making process, I own both phones.

The Storm...

1. It's a very advanced phone and full of features. However, the software needs to be updated. The phone was released too soon (so the company could make as much as possible during the Holidays) before the software was perfected or even mediocre. There are a lot of software bugs, sluggish performance and screen freezes.

2. The only problems are the software, it can be slow and may freeze, a lot. Other than that the phone is a pretty solid phone with good quality and very nice style.

3. Touch screen freezes a lot, as mentioned above. When the software is updated (should be in a few months) the phone will be 1000x better.

4. The web browser is a great feature and is very easy to use, when it isn't frozen. The on screen keyboard is also very easy to get used to with the "clicking" feedback it provides as you type.

5. No features are bad features, but its sluggish performance really hurts its rating in my mind.

I highly recommend the iPhone. The software has been pretty much perfected by Apple. Although the Storm runs on a better network (Verizon) the iPhone is much better in every other way. Typing on the iPhone is much easier than the Storm and the iPhone is hardly ever as sluggish as the Storm. The applications on the iPhone are also more helpful and useful than those on the Storm.

They are very comparably priced but the iPhone is the clear winner in my mind for the reasons listed above.

Good Luck!


Definitely the Blackberry Storm! It's Verizon's first Blackberry touch phone. Lots of people have to iPhone, and I heard that people have had some problems with it. Plus, the blackberry has a keyboard. I'm not sure if it's a full keyboard, but it's something! Good Luck choosing your new phone.


Blackberry Storm, bcuz its more reliable then the iphone, and the iphone is to common, everyone has it, the storm is not owned by many people, plus the strom runs on a better operating system.


iphone has a wired keyboard (no feedback, not always accurate) and the storm is rather slow (i tried 2 different phones and both froze up on me). get a voyager or a blackberry curve.