what does 'dat is kut' mean in dutch? (zuid holland dialect)?

Hylian Auree றி2009-01-07T10:29:37Z

Favorite Answer

"Dat is kut!" - That sucks!

"Kut" literally means "c u n t", but in this context it means that something really sucks.

Often used in contexts such as these:
"Dat is echt kut voor je!" - That really sucks for you!
"Dat vind ik best wel kut!" - I think that's kind of stupid/sucky

BTW, it isn't only used in Zuid Holland, but throughout all of The Netherlands, and we even sometimes use it in my Antillean-Dutch dialect


That sucks, but it literally says ''that is c*nt'', kut is a rude word for the female reproductive organ. Kut is also used as ''f*ck'' or ''damn it''.

A lot of kids (who are more familiar with the English language than most of their peers) also say ''dat zuigt'', which is the literal translation for ''that sucks''.
''Dat is'' can also be shortened to da's.

I live in Zuid Holland, but that's got nothing to do with dialects. I know enough people in other provinces who would say that.


What Does Kut Mean

Armand Van Hoye2009-01-08T12:15:15Z

It is Dutch, not only used in Zuid-Holland.
I am Belgian (Flemish) and we use it too, though not often.
It comes from the Netherlands and I am sure that my grandparents did not new it.
It is indeed a rather vulgar word for the female genital parts.

Also used in the expression "Kut en Lul".
Lul being the penis.

Also "laat de bazen maar lullen".
"Let the bosses talk nonsense".
Of course this last phrase is not so easy (there are a few good bosses). We now have female managers.
Until now I never heared the expression " Let them cut".
Perhaps somebody with an inventive mind will start a new expression..


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If Utrect about a bit- you'd find they do- especially on a first date- there Maastrict and it Netherlands them in any trouble if they just hold hands but sometimes they give each other a big Hague.

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